More About Me

I am an Independent Shaklee Distributor based in Southern Califronia. I am working with one of the largest Independent Distributors who has been the in the business for over 30 years and knows how to sell the great Shaklee products and to build successful businesses.

If you want to work with a winner - send me a message!

What is Shaklee?

Shaklee is the Number One Natural Nutrition Company in the US. And not only that, but Shaklee is the first company certified to be Carbon Neutral.

Learn more about the great Shaklee products to discover how healthy nutrition, healthy beauty, healthy homes, and healthy weight can become a part of your daily life.

Shaklee’s Top Tips for Green Value

Times are tougher than ever. Money is tighter than it has been. These are all the more reasons to go green.

True, it's good for the planet, but did you know it can also save you a huge amount of money down the road? Shaklee Get Clean® products offers you safe, powerful, and budget-friendly cleaning solutions that can help you and your family live happier, healthier lives. Here are a few back-to-basics tips to help get you going:


  • It's a simple equation Use Less = Spend Less! You pay less per use with concentrated cleaners. In fact, you'd have to spend more than $3,400 on major-brand cleaners to get the equivalent cleaning power found in the Get Clean Starter Kit.
  • A 16 oz. bottle of Basic H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate alone can make:

    • 214 bottles of ready-to-use all-purpose cleaner
    • The equivalent of more than 5,000 bottles of ready-to-use window cleaner
    • 36 bottles of ready-to-use degreaser
  • Visit your local library. Take the kids on a Saturday, have them pick out 2 of their favorite books, and return them next week! It's free and it's green.
  • Carpool! If your drive to work is 25 miles each way and at least half is stop-and-go traffic, you'll save almost 10 percent of your monthly carbon emissions by carpooling. Not to mention the gas dollars you'll save.


  • Run your dishwasher. It can actually help the environment while saving you time and preserving your manicure! Many studies show that dishwashers actually use less water than dishes by hand and you can save a ton of water, energy and money by only running the dishwasher when it's full—especially if it's Energy Star-approved.
  • Throw in a concentrated, phosphate-free detergent such as Automatic Dish Wash Concentrate
    that is so powerful a pre-rinse isn't required, and you earn extra eco-warrior points!
  • Use Rechargeable Batteries. Investing in rechargeable batteries can save you some money over time. In general, the less you rely on single-use, disposable items, the less money you'll burn through.
  • Check Out the New CFLs. CFL bulbs use 80% less energy than standard incandescent light bulbs, and last up six to 10 times longer. You might not be aware of the newest designs from cutting-edge manufacturers, including a new range of pleasant color temperatures, dimmable CFLs, bug lights, 3-way models, candelabra and flicker tip styles and more.
  • Turn Off Your Computer - Save energy, wear on your hardware and an average of $90 each year on electricity costs by shutting down your computer at night. The Department of Energy recommends shutting off your monitor if you aren't going to use it for more than 20 minutes, and the whole system if you're not going to use it for more than two hours.


  • Bulk shopping is good for the environment because it reduces packaging and waste plus it means fewer trips to the market and less gas used so you save money.
  • Save money and the planet, ounce by ounce with both Basic H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate and Fresh Laundry Liquid Concentrate available in 64 oz. sizes.
  • Jettison Junk Mail - Around 100 million trees and 28 billion gallons of water are used to send junk mail to Americans every year, according to You can stop 75% of unsolicited mail by registering on the Mail Preference Service on the Direct Marketing Association website (for a fee of $1).
  • Stop Idling - Idling for more than 10 seconds wastes more gas than is needed for startup. Overall, Americans idle away 2.9 billion gallons of gas a year, worth around $78.2 billion.


  • Rather than going through rolls of paper towels, cut up old t-shirts and towels for cleaning rags. If DIY isn't your cup of tea, try Shaklee Super Microfiber Cleaning and Window Cloths. They are ridiculously absorbent and can be washed and reused hundreds of times.
  • Ditch bottled water! The cost adds up and the bottles pile up in landfills to pollute our planet. Save big bucks and keep waste out of the landfills by switching to filtered water. The BestWater® PerfectPitcher® is NSF-certified and serves up delicious, clean water that can be poured into a glass to be enjoyed at home, or a portable, reusable water bottle if you're on the go.
  • Washing out and using plastic storage bags can save more than $5 a week!

Shop for all products.

Shaklee Fundraising

General Questions

Q. What is Shaklee® Fundraising?

A. Shaklee Fundraising enables you to help a non-profit organization raise funds and awareness for their worthy cause by sponsoring them. Open to qualifying non-profit or tax-exempt organizations, Shaklee Fundraising allows the organization to raise money by operating their own Shaklee business.

Q. How is sponsoring through Shaklee Fundraising different from other methods of sponsoring?

A. When a non-profit organization joins Shaklee via the program, using the Non-Profit or Tax Exempt Application and Agreement, they can take advantage of the following unique benefits:

  • Option of joining without paying a Membership fee.
  • Eligibility to earn bonuses without having to fulfill the personal 100 PV/IPV requirement;
  • Status of a GOLD Ambassador, without having to pay the GOLD Ambassador fee. This includes the privilege of earning GOLD and Tru-Infinity bonuses, as well as the ability to sponsor internationally.
  • A special Personal Web Site template to market their Shaklee business at no cost.

Q. What organizations can qualify to participate in Shaklee Fundraising?

A. Non-profit or tax-exempt organizations which can provide Shaklee with documentation of their tax-exempt status. This includes charitable organizations, religious organizations, educational organizations both private and public, and other non-profit and/or tax exempt organizations.

Q. Can a Non-Profit Distributor earn a bonus?

A. Yes, a Non-Profit Distributor can earn bonuses in exactly the same way as any other Shaklee Distributor. The only difference is that they are not required to do the 100 personal PV/IPV to qualify.

Q. What’s different about Shaklee Fundraising?

A. Shaklee makes it easy for you to concentrate on earning your goals. The advantages are that:

  • There is no cost to you
  • You get an online store
  • Shaklee ships your orders and guarantees your products
  • Your local Shaklee contact supports you and helps you grow your program

Q. What’s the benefit for Shaklee?

A. First we get to work with you. Shaklee has a long history of supporting good causes and we want to partner with worthwhile non-profits across the country that are interested in making a difference.

We also get to expand our business and because we believe in our products we feel that by providing a healthier life for others we are doing what we like best.

Q. How does your organization make money?

A. Customers purchase Shaklee products on your Shaklee web site or by using a toll-free number. You earn money through:

Price Difference:

  • Shaklee pays you the price difference on the customer price to the actual price that a distributor pays and it can range from 16% - 30%
  • Average household spends $100+ each month


  • Bonuses are paid based on volume from 4% to 16%
  • The more your monthly volume, the higher the bonus
  • 10 families x 100 PV = 1000 PV @ 12% = $120
  • 20 families x 100 PV = 2000 PV @ 16% = $320

Q. How much money can my non-profit make?

A. This depends on your commitment, the number of members working on the program, and the amount of work you are able to devote. As with most programs, it takes effort to earn the reward. But the good news is that there is no limit to the earnings you can achieve with Shaklee.

Q. What is your commitment?

A. Your commitment includes:

  • Enroll in program
  • Set up online store – your Shaklee contact can help you out with this
  • Promote the program

Q. What is Shaklee’s commitment?

A. Shaklee will provide:

  • Free web site
  • Toll free customer service telephone number – you do not have to handle customer service questions
  • Order taking, shipping, and customer satisfaction
  • Record keeping, income calculation, and payment to you
  • Local Shaklee contact

Q. Do I have to be local or can I join nationwide?

A. You do not have to be in Southern California. We can do everything online. We will be able to communicate with you online and using our webinars.

Q. What advantage do i get working with vitamin supplements?

A. Vitamin Supplements is an Independent Shaklee Distributor. We have a team available that has been working with Shaklee for over 30 years and have been successful in building hundreds of Shaklee businesses. This experience will be valuable in getting your program up and running quickly and to support you along the way.

Q. How do i get started?

A. Contact a Shaklee Representative by using the CONTACT ME link at the top of this web page. We will set up an initial meeting – online or in person – where we will explain the program in more detail and answer any questions.

Shaklee Fundraising

Learn more by viewing our presentations:

PDF Format

PowerPoint Format

How to Make Twitter Work for You

Twitter can be a great tool to use to build your online audience. Twitter can also be an incredible black hole for your time. How can you make Twitter work for you?

Of course the first step is to sign up for an account. You can go to and get started. This is the easy part. There are only a few requirements to include – after all the concept is based on micro-blogging where you only send out messages of 140 characters or less.

You can personalize your Twitter profile and you should do this to make yourself stand out. When visitors see a plain page, it shows a lack of interest in making this powerful internet tool work for you. Be creative and personal. People want to interact with people, not impersonal companies or worse yet spammers. Upload a good photo, one that gets people's attention so they know who they are talking with.

The Twitter internet interface provides you with all of the functions that you need to start you out on your Twitter journey. Try it out. See what works for you.

Then if you want to use a more powerful platform, check these out:

  • HootSuite – where you can organize your Twitter life in an amazing format. It may take awhile to figure it all out, but it is worth the effort if you are serious.
  • Tweetdeck – which is similar to HootSuite in the functions offered. Either one can work out for you.
  • Twillow – can also provide you with a similar set of tools. But this platform is great for finding others with similar interests as you. Twillow also allows you to provide a much longer biography and that can be useful to present yourself to the Twitter world.

There are many other programs that can useful and over time you will want to check them out. One hint is to check out the source mentioned on other Tweeters Tweets showing what they are using. If one is showing up a lot in your communications it is a good sign that it is worthwhile.

After you become familiar with what you are doing, a great tool is the e-book titled "How to Become a Twitter Expert in 24 Hours 3.0" which you can find at This resource gives you so much information that it will take more than 24 hours, trust me. But in the first day after starting to use this handy report my I gained almost 50 followers! And they were well qualified, not just spamming bots. I can't recommend this one highly enough.

I also found the Klout score showing up on HootSuite to be an interesting measure of how others are measured in the Twitter world. You can see more information at See how you measure up.

Now time to get busy. No free lunch here, but judging by the success of others Twitter can be a good tool for you to use to build any online business. Internet marketing can be fun!

Good luck.

Facts About The Human Body (Infographic)

Shaklee Team Building

As you develop your successful Shaklee business the most important part will be building your Shaklee team.

The two question to ask are:

  1. Where are you going with your business, and
  2. Who will you take with you

You first decide where you are going, but the second question of who you want to take with you is important as well.

There are many people in your life that you can invite along for the journey. There are going to be people that are close to you such as your family and close friends. Some are going to want to be part of your venture. Others will be supporters on the side. Give them the opportunity to decide their role as you build your Shaklee team.

There are going to be others that aren't that close, but you have known them in your life. If you think of Shaklee as a "gift" then it will make it easy to share the opportunity.

The list is long. Everyone at our age has come in contact with hundreds, even thousands of people. Make your list - and don't edit it down until later.

Just think of the possibilities.

The list can include:

  • Friends
  • Acquaintances
  • Business Associates
  • Neighbors
  • Co-workers
  • Parents
  • Family Members

But the list is actually going to be much longer, including:

  • People from your gym
  • Sports team members
  • Dentist
  • Doctor
  • Business people you support and buy from every day and every week
  • Service workers you come into contact with on a regular basis
  • Insurance Agent
  • Banker
  • Financial Consultant
  • Real Estate Brokers

There are people who have been making changes to their lives who may be more receptive to the message of better health and the Shaklee opportunity including:

  • New parents
  • Graduates
  • Recent retirees
  • People who may have lost their job and are looking for work

Some of the most important individuals to put on your potential Shaklee team will be:

  • Successful people who know how to make things happen and are always looking for new opportunities
  • Busy people who know how to manage their time and juggle their schedule
  • People with a large sphere of influence
  • Small business owners

The most critical thing to remember when building your Shaklee team is to think big, think of people that you haven't been in contact with that might want to hear from you again, and most importantly, pick up the phone, go to your email, check your online social networks and get busy!

Everything you want to know about fast food

Everything You Need to Know About Fast Food

YouTube - greenandhealthy4u's Channel

"Green and Healthy for Yougreenandhealthy4u's Channel"

Check out our YouTube Channel where you can see several videos giving you more information on Shaklee, the products, and the program.

YouTube - greenandhealthy4u's Channel:

Immune Support Formula 1, Immune System Supplement

Immune Support Formula 1, Immune System Supplement:

"Immunity Formula I®
Size: 60 Softgels
Nutritional Support for Your Immune System
To keep your immune system strong and in good working order, Immunity Formula I provides the essential nutrients for healthy immune function. Full nutrition potency is guaranteed with ShakleeGuard®, a patented blend of antioxidants and rosemary extract."

Shaklee Corporation: Providing a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone. Health, Wellness, Nature, Opportunity

Shaklee Corporation: Providing a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone. Health, Wellness, Nature, Opportunity: "mmune Support

To help strengthen the body’s immune function.*"

EarthDay @ Shaklee "Celebrate Earth Day AND the 50th birthday of Basic-H® by attending a Shaklee Earth Day event on or around April 17th!"

10 Reasons Why Shaklee’s Cinch® is an Exceptional Value

Clinically tested† and specially formulated to help you break the diet cycle so you:

keep muscle you have

burn fat you don't need

lose inches you don't want

1. The Real Deal

With the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, which includes a regimen of protein-packed shakes and energy-boosting teas, you will lose inches and pounds. Period. Our medical doctors, nutritionists, and scientists have drawn on years of sports and nutrition science to develop a plan that works. In fact, those who participated in our clinical study lost an average of 16.3 pounds of fat, 4.1 inches from their waists, and 2.6 inches from their hips over a 12-week period.†

2. Easy on Your Wallet

Why pay for calorie-rich fast food that can add more inches to your waist when you could have a tasty, wholesome, protein-rich Cinch meal replacement for a fraction of the cost?




Protein (grams)

Fat (grams)

Cinch Shake (1 serving) in 1 cup of nonfat milk





Starbucks® Mocha Grande and blueberry muffin





McDonald's® Big Mac®, medium fries, diet soda





Subway® turkey "diet" sub, Baked Lays® chips, diet soda





** Comparison conducted February 24 (McDonald's), February 25 (Starbucks), and March 11 (Subway), 2009, and is valid only for the named products marketed at that time.
‡ Based on Shaklee Member price for Cinch Shake Mix.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

3. One Word: Leucine

Our tasty Cinch shakes, Meal-in-a-Bars, and snacks are Powered by Leucine™, a muscle-retaining amino acid that helps you keep muscle while you lose fat and inches. Why are muscles important? Muscle = Metabolism. This translates into more calories burned and fewer inches on your waist. Good? Yes! It's the key to long-term success. In fact, those who were tested in a clinical study lost fat, pounds, and inches while retaining 100% of their lean muscle mass.†

4. Pleases Taste Buds, Satisfies Hunger

Not only do Cinch products taste great, they're packed with protein so you feel full and not deprived. More than 90% of participants in a study reported that their energy levels were either "very good" or "great" while on the Cinch Inch Loss Plan.† The program provides loads of nutrition and includes our Cinch 3-in-1 Boost™, which helps reduce cravings by retaining normal blood-sugar levels, and two flavors of Cinch Energy Tea mix to help keep you feeling great all day long.*

5. Packed with Goodies—And Then Some

Every Cinch shake and Meal-in-a-Bar is high in protein and provides a healthy serving of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. When mixed as directed, our shakes—available in four great flavors: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and café latte—deliver 24 grams of protein per serving while each Meal-in-a-Bar contains 20 grams. Choose from Berry Almond Crunch or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. Many people continue to use the shakes, bars, and the tea mix after they lose weight simply because they enjoy the great taste.

6. Grab and Go

On the go? Crazy schedule? Back-to-back meetings? No more excuses. Just throw a Cinch tea stick, Meal-in-a-Bar, or one of our convenient single-serve shake packets in your briefcase, purse, or gym bag and enjoy when you want.

7. Thank Yourself Now—And in the Long Run

Being overweight not only makes you feel bad, but can compromise wellness. Cinch to the rescue with leucine-enhanced protein-powering results. Join the thousands who have lost weight using the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, including Matt (pictured at right). Log on to to see our monthly success stories. Is your Cinch success story just waiting to be told?

8. We've Got Your Back, 24/7

Cinch provides all the tools you need to reach a healthy weight. When you log on to, you'll find an online community message board where you can meet, greet, and share your Cinch experience with others already using the plan. Or you can browse meal plans and recipes to help you make the right food choices; access Cinch University—a 12-week educational series to help you better understand all the factors that influence your weight; and read articles on topics of nutrition, fitness, and more to help you reach your goals. Plus, each Cinch Starter Kit comes with a Cinch Program Guide, designed to help you get started on the Plan; our CinchCoach software program, which provides you with individualized meal plans, as well as weight-and inch-loss tracking tools; and many other features designed to enhance your success.

9. Say Hello to a New You

Get used to all the attention. People will notice a difference—you will too. Once you lose the weight on the Cinch Plan, you'll not only be healthier, you'll look and feel great.

10. Don't Like It? Don't Pay for It.

With our 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose except the inches. And everything to gain in a whole new life.

Do You Like Who You Work With?

It is Sunday night. It is raining in LA. Tomorrow morning I get to go to my day job at one of the big movie studios here in town. But is that the crowd I want to spend all of my working hours with?

For most of us who work in corporate America – or in a small business – find ourselves dealing with all kinds of people every day. Some are great, fun, interesting, and make it worthwhile showing up. Others are just fine, but not exactly the people that I would be hanging out with outside of work. And then there is a select few that I just don't care to see every day. I don't think I am unique. (Of course there is always the potential that I might be a person someone else doesn't want to see tomorrow morning…)

If you start your own business, whether it is a Shaklee business or any other, one of the best benefits is that you get to choose who you work with. Think of what that can mean. You have the opportunity to surround yourself with people that you enjoy seeing. They will probably have the same outlook on life as you. So instead of having to work with people that someone else chose, you get to work with one of the best teams around: one that you put together!

It is well known that a positive outlook can have a physical impact on your health. So if you surround yourself with positive, can-do individuals not only will you enjoy your work but you will be doing your health a favor.

What Happens When They Say No?

Any successful sales person knows that the odds are against them. For every person that is contacted the majority are not going to be interested. Or they don't have the time. Or something else is more important at that moment. Or maybe they are having a bad day and you are just the one person they don't want to hear from next.

So how do you handle the rejection?

First remember that it probably isn't personal. They just aren't interested for many possible reasons and it rarely has anything to do with you or the message you want to share with them.

You don't need 100% of the people you contact to sign on to be successful. If you get 1 out of 10 it will probably be a good day. The great days are when you get 25% positive responses.

And keep it in perspective. You want to share the great Shaklee products with everyone. And some people will want to be your best customers. The ones that decide they want to work with you to build their own business are going to be the most valuable to you. No matter which category the customer falls into they are both important to your success.

So when you hear a no, remember that there are plenty of other potential customers and business partners out there. Make another phone call. Send another post card. Post another flyer. Send another email. Post another message on an online message board. Put another ad up on

It is always easy to give other people advice. But if you want to be a success remember that it only comes with a lot of hard work. Shaklee can give a lot of the tools but no one can do the work for you.

Good luck!

Shaklee Videos: Vivix®

Shaklee Videos: Vivix®

Team Building Tips from the Pros

If you are serious about building your Shaklee business, you should learn from the pros.

Find someone who has built a successful business and listen to what they have to say. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel when there are many people out there who have already figured out how to make it work. And usually they want you to succeed - they are not your competition, they can be your mentor.

What kinds of tips have I learned?

Commitment. To be successful you need to be committed. If you are thinking of Shaklee as a part-time enterprise to generate some additional household income, then you may not need the same level of commitment that a person wanting to make a financially rewarding change in their lives. Like most things in life, you get out of it what you put into it.

Do Something Every Day. Make it a habit to contact at least one person every day. You are going to hear a lot more "noes" than "yesses". So you need to get them out of the way. Just think if you talked to one person each day that would be 365 people that heard your message. And if only 15% were actually interested, that could be over 50 new members in your organization. Just think what that could mean for your business!

Be Creative with the Marketing Tools. Shaklee will provide you with an incredible number of tools to use to build your business. But the most successful will "take something you like and make it your own". So if you see a picture that inspires you, or that you think explains Shaklee products or the program, use it in your marketing materials. You can use that picture in your flyers, emails, presentations, and web sites.

Make it Personal. It is also important to make your message personal. People want to work with individuals they know and trust more than an impersonal company. Shaklee is a company built on personal relationships. Use your picture, your story, and your enthusiasm as tools to your advantage.

Make a Pledge. Anyone who has successfully made a significant change in their life knows that the best way to reach your goals is to tell others. If you want to lose weight, if you tell other people you can get their support and just as important you feel like you can continue when it gets tough knowing that others are watching. Make a pledge to reach out to a set number of people, make it happen, and tell others of your success.

Tell a Story. Some of the most powerful marketing tools are stories of success. If you know someone who changed their health - or the health of a family member - invite them to tell you their story. Then pass it along. The story can be about making a difference in your child's life, helping a parent by giving them information on various products, or even a story about how you or someone you know made a difference in their financial well-being through Shaklee. Everyone loves a good story.

Remember that you aren't in this business alone. Build relationships with your team and with your customers and you will be a long way in being a success.

Have fun and good luck!

Gluten-free Shaklee dietary supplements

Gluten-free Shaklee dietary supplements
October 2008

The Shaklee Research and Development staff recently tested Shaklee dietary supplements for the presence of gluten. The products listed here are gluten-free:

Dietary supplements

Alfalfa Complex
Carto-E-Omega (Vitalizer)
Cal Mag Plus Chewable
Cholesterol Regulation Complex
Defend & Resist Complex
Energizing Soy Protein (all flavors)
Fiber Plan Tablets
Fiber Plan Unflavored
Garlic Complex
Gentle Sleep Complex
GLA Complex
Glucose Regulation Complex
Immunity Formula I
Instant Protein Soy Mix
Joint Health Complex
Liver DTX Complex
Meal Shakes (all flavors)
Memory Optimizer
Menopause Balance Complex
Mental Acuity Plus
MoodLift Complex
OptiFlora Prebiotic
OptiFlora Probiotic
Pain Relief Complex
Performance (all flavors)
Saw Palmetto Complex
Stomach Soothing Complex
Stress Relief Complex
Sustained Release B+C
Vita-C Sustained Release 500mg
Vita-C Chewable
Vita-E Complex
Vita-Lea (with / without iron)
Vita-Lea Gold (with / without K)
Vita-Lea Infant Mix
Vita-Lea Ocean Wonders

Cinch Inch Loss Plan Products

All Cinch Inch Loss Plan products are gluten-free with the exceptions of the Berry
Almond Crunch and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Meal-In-A-Bar, which contain oats.

January 2009

Shaklee scientists are hard at work testing our nutritional supplements for the presence of gluten so we can make a "Gluten Free" claim for those products that pass the test-great news for our gluten sensitive customers and for Distributors and Business Leaders marketing our products to people who are or may be sensitive to gluten.

To date, there has been no legal requirement to test for gluten to make a "Gluten-Free" claim, nor has the FDA provided a final definition of what "Gluten Free" means or established a gluten threshold standard to test against. Despite these facts, many companies have marketed gluten-free products basing their claims simply on the absence of ingredients that contain gluten.

While generally reliable, that practice has never met Shaklee's quality standards. However, with the passing of the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act in 2004, the FDA has now issued a proposed rule defining the claim "gluten free" for voluntary use in labeling food and dietary supplements. The proposed rule also included an established "gluten threshold" to test against.

Although a final rule is still pending, based on the proposed rule, established testing standards and the increase in demand from Shaklee consumers, we are now able to test for the presence of gluten in Shaklee nutrition products and make "Gluten Free" claims on products that meet the label claim criteria.

It should be noted that the majority of Shaklee nutrition products do not have gluten containing
ingredients, with the exceptions of Herb-Lax®, Vita-E® 400 IU Tablets, Iron Plus C, Zinc, and the Cinch™ Meal-in-a-Bar products.

We are excited to announce that Shaklee has begun testing our products and as a result, customers will begin seeing new labels with the "Gluten Free" claim on selected products over the next several months.

Shaklee Field Support

Our newer products, Vivix and Vitalizer, are also gluten free.

Individuals with gluten intolerance have generally been advised to stay away from oats. Recent studies have found, however, that gluten intolerance is caused by the intestine's immunological reaction to a very specific sequence of amino acids in one of the proteins commonly found in certain grains. Oats do not contain this reactive protein sequence and are therefore considered to be gluten-free when consumed in moderation.

For the record, dietary supplements containing oat-derived ingredients are:

• MoodLift - Green Oat extract
• Berry Almond Crunch and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Meal-In-A-Bar

Shaklee Corporation _ 4747 Willow Road _ Pleasanton, California 94588

What's up with the picture of the puppy?

You may be wondering why a site that is providing you with information on how to live a green, healthy life has a photo of a puppy at the top of the page.

The truth is that we just liked it. Sure we could have pictures of Shaklee products. Or a photo of the rewards you might earn. But the puppy shows that we have a soft side too.

Hope you like it.

My Presentations

To learn more about how you can make money by becoming an Independent Shaklee Distributor you should check out our presenations.

Click here to see them.

You may be interested to learn about the 7 Ways to Earn Money. This presentation was developed by one of the leaders in the field - with over 30 years of Shaklee experience.

Learn from the best!

Good luck with you business.

Healthy Nutrition

"Your are what you eat" is a well used line. But it is also true. In a time of record levels of obesity in American it is important that we understand what we eat impacts how we feel.

Healthy nutrition means that we eat what is good for us. Of course we know that we need to limit the number of calories we eat every day - that is the most important factor in healthy weight management. But it is just as important that we understand what it is that we are eating.

What kinds of nutrients are important for our health? There are several that are found to be helpful, including:
  1. Antioxidants
  2. Vitamins and Vitamin Supplements
  3. Anti Aging Supplements
  4. Vitamins and supplements for bone health, liver health, blood sugar, prostrate, and even the digestive system
  5. Immune Support Supplements

These nutritional supplements are well known to help each of live a healthier life. But of course I am not a medical expert and this advice is only to give you more information and ideas on how to live a better life. You should check out more information to see what is right for you. You can do that by checking out Healthy Nutrition on my Shaklee Independent Distributor site.

You can also learn more about all of the Healthy Nutrition products available. Shaklee researches each and every one of the products they offer and have been in business for over 50 years now. So they know as much as anyone about what works.

Get started today. Learn more about how to live a healthier live.

Good luck in your quest for healthier living.


I am an Independent Shaklee Distributor based in Southern California.

Shaklee is a company that is in all of the right businesses for our time:

  1. Health and Wellness

  2. Living Green

  3. Healthy Beauty

  4. Nutrition

  5. Home Based Businesses

Shaklee has been in business for over 50 years - since 1956. Their selling program of selling directly to their customers through Independent Distributors is a proven model that works. Instead of paying for wholesalers, retailer, and advertising, the profits go directly to the Distributor building their busines.

Is Shaklee a pyramid scheme?

First, Shaklee products are great to use, to live a health life and to live in a green environment. I know this because I have personally been using Shaklee products for almost 20 years now myself and can tell the difference.

Secondly, you don't have to develop your own business in order to purchase their products. If you want to just be a consumer - and we encourage you to try out the products for yourself - you can join as a Member and receive the Member Discount of 15% on all of your purchases.

Third, if you do want to buuild a business you can choose how it will work best for you. There are many Distributors who want to earn a few extra dollars each month and know that the extra $300 or $500 or even $1,000 each month can make a difference in their lives.

Fourth, on the other hand if you want to build a large, profitable, and successful business, Shaklee gives you the products and the tools to make it happen. I know some of the top Distributors in the company and they enjoy an incredible lifestyle because of their work over the past 30 years to build their business. So I know it can happen.

Lastly, it all depends on how much work you want to do. As with most things in life, there is not such thing as a free lunch. If you work hard with Shaklee, you can earn the rewards. One story that made it clear to me was hearing from one successful Distributor that she was giving herself a $20,000 a year raise each and evrey year by building her Shaklee business. Just think of asking for that raise at your regular job!

If you want to know more, check out our Shaklee site.

We invite you to get started today and let us know of any questions that you might have. We are here to help!

Thanks for taking the time to check out our blog.


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Vivix Anti Aging Formula

Cinch Weight Management

Shaklee Personal Care Products


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