About Me
Shaklee is a company that is in all of the right businesses for our time:
- Health and Wellness
- Living Green
- Healthy Beauty
- Nutrition
- Home Based Businesses
Is Shaklee a pyramid scheme?
First, Shaklee products are great to use, to live a health life and to live in a green environment. I know this because I have personally been using Shaklee products for almost 20 years now myself and can tell the difference.
Secondly, you don't have to develop your own business in order to purchase their products. If you want to just be a consumer - and we encourage you to try out the products for yourself - you can join as a Member and receive the Member Discount of 15% on all of your purchases.
Third, if you do want to buuild a business you can choose how it will work best for you. There are many Distributors who want to earn a few extra dollars each month and know that the extra $300 or $500 or even $1,000 each month can make a difference in their lives.
Fourth, on the other hand if you want to build a large, profitable, and successful business, Shaklee gives you the products and the tools to make it happen. I know some of the top Distributors in the company and they enjoy an incredible lifestyle because of their work over the past 30 years to build their business. So I know it can happen.
Lastly, it all depends on how much work you want to do. As with most things in life, there is not such thing as a free lunch. If you work hard with Shaklee, you can earn the rewards. One story that made it clear to me was hearing from one successful Distributor that she was giving herself a $20,000 a year raise each and evrey year by building her Shaklee business. Just think of asking for that raise at your regular job!
If you want to know more, check out our Shaklee site.
We invite you to get started today and let us know of any questions that you might have. We are here to help!
Thanks for taking the time to check out our blog.